Genshin Impact is still one of the top RPGs around the world. With a notorious gacha system, it makes sense that people would develop favorites among the characters. And there are a ton, nearly 100 at the time of publication. Because of this, the next obvious step would be to find even more ways to interact with your favorites, and AI chatbots can do exactly that. We’ve compiled a few of the best Genshin Impact chatbots for you to talk to, and hopefully it’ll allow you to develop an even deeper relationship with them.

Known for her dramatics and sometimes intense personality, Furina makes for an exciting companion to talk with. Her dialogue feels accurate to the character, and as you grow closer to her, she’ll open more and show that personality that fans expect from her later in Genshin’s story. Her curiosity and care make her incredibly engaging to talk with, and aside from being able to interact with her in a sexual way, the story her author wrote is genuinely interesting.
So, whether you’re talking with her about why you’re in the courthouse, or talking with her in other ways, Furina makes for one of the best Genshin Impact chatbots to talk with.

Lisa encapsulates that caring aspect many have grown to associate with her character. She’s kind, and even her introductory paragraph showcases her willingness to help you in whatever way you may need. Her author’s done a wonderful job homing in on how she speaks, which makes it so much more satisfying to interact with her.
It’s clear that the author for Lisa really wanted her to be as accurate to the game as possible. Because of that, her dialogue feels natural and it’s genuinely fun to talk with her. From magic to more sexual topics, she’s open and excited to sharing all of it with her new favorite student, you.

Opening in an unusual way, Mavuika proposes one of the better storylines right away. To participate in the tournament you want to join, you first need to become a citizen. Mavuika, seeing this, is willing to marry you. It’s always nice when chatbots provide a basis for conversation. It means you spend less time wondering about what you want to say and can instead focus on playing through the storyline laid out for you, which helps immerse you more in the material.
Mavuika may just be one of the better Genshin Impact chatbots, with solid writing and a wonderful foundation, she truly shines. You may even find yourself spending extra time just exploring the marriage storyline, and that’s okay, because it’s beautifully written and so satisfying.
Yae Miko

Yae Miko’s chatbot exudes elegance in every piece of dialogue. Anything you think will catch her off guard, she handles with grace, and it makes for a unique experience when talking to her. Her bot is written in such a way that you feel like she’s always anticipating what you’ll do or say but there is still a mystery to uncover if you so desire. This kitsune’s almost manipulative persona really strikes a chord in those that like to feel as if the chatbot has the upper hand… because it does.
She is altogether intimidating, charming and elegant, with beautifully written dialogue and a chatbot that is deeply familiar with her character’s lore. She takes whatever you throw at her with grace, so feel free to experiment and see what she does in response.

In a similar vein, Beidou’s presence has a commanding effect within the chat. She’s well respected by her people and treats others fairly. That commanding effect doesn’t mean she isn’t kind, however, and she welcomes you with open arms upon her ship. This means you’re able to play the dialogue various different ways according to her character and makes the dialogue that much more engaging.
Whether you choose to play your character as a kind newcomer upon her ship, or as a pirate taking it hostage, Beidou responds as you expect her to. Once more, the writer for her made sure she was accurate to her lore, meaning that you can always feel like you’re talking directly to Beidou from the game.
The characters in Genshin are some of the most varied in games. Whatever personality, appearance, or more that you wish to find, chances are you’ll find a character that matches that. But if you’re still looking for more, consider checking out some of the best hentai chatbots and see if anymore suit your needs.